The secret to Zalatimo Industries’ success remains the same – unmatched quality, outstanding customer service, and a corporate identity built upon offering the best value in the industry. We hope you will give us the chance to show you why companies around the world choose Qpack, Qplastic and Zalatimo Industries to help them prosper.

We are here to serve you!


Jun 2005 – Qpack launched

Zalatimo Industries was founded in 2005 with a simple idea: the key to corporate success lies in providing customers with the very best in products & services.

It has been a pleasure to see our ideals bear such amazing fruit. Qpack was launched into a market that lacked a trusted local corrugated cardboard packaging producer – since then, our production capacity has grown exponentially and our roster of happy customers has grown with it.

March 2010 -An Expansion occurred in Zalatimo Industries and they joined hands with two of the biggest names in their respective fields, the Bahrain Pack and Riyadh Investment group

An Expansion occurred in Zalatimo Industries and they joined hands with two of the biggest names in their respective fields, the Bahrain Pack and Riyadh Investment group. The expansion would bring new markets and customer in the range of Zalatimo Industries, the name given to the joint venture was JOBA PACK, it had initial investment of 20 Million dollars and JOBA. 

July 2011- Investing in Q-pack into new facility with production of 30,000 tons/year

An event which is going effect the performance of Q-pack drastically in future, it was that Q-pack decided to move to their new facility. As compared to the facility there are working in today the new facility is a big change as it will be giving a lot more space to work in as it covers roughly about 3200 square meters. Now that Q-pack has moved to its new facility the potential that the operations and the efficiency of Q-Pack is going to increase, the reason for this increase in the operational ability is that the machine they are going to deploy are going to be state of the art and working space for the employees to work comfortably, and the affiance will be effected in a positive because with increase satisfaction of the employee standard of work will increase.

Feb 2012 – The company expands its horizons by opening up a new plant by the name of Q-Plastic

The company expands its horizons by opening up a new plant by the name of Q-Plastic. Work officially started in the new state of the art facility of Q-Plastic, the offerings of Q-Plastics ranged from films, bags, liners, and many more of the same category. Q-Plastic will not only have commercial applications but also retail applications this could be because of the vast product line of Q-Plastics. The new facility and its machinery gave Q-Plastics ability to handle not only customer specific but they will also be capable of running large production runs.

July 2013 – An expansion of 2,700 sqm to accommodate a new converting machines.

Zalatimo Industries have been looking to invest in construction a new working area, to provide its workers with a bigger working space and to make it easier for them to work, the idea behind the new workplace was not only to provide workers with a better working area but give Zalatimo Industry higher capacity to handle orders and new customer. We, Zalatimo Industries are glad to announce that the work on the new work area is complete; it is 2700 square meter providing a large and open space to Zalatimo Industries for the potential new and larger machinery they are looking to buy in future.

Sep 2013 -Zalatimo Industries went through a major over haul when they moved to their new head office

Zalatimo Industries went through a major overhaul when they moved to their new head office. With the move came a lot of advantages because now the Zalatimo industries is closer to its core customer and is in better contact with them, Zalatimo industries has their old customers also in mind and have been working hard to provide them a complete customer support at all time so that they are not affected by the move. The new office also provides a better working place for the employees of Zalatimo industries

March 2017 – Investing US$ 50M in the state of the art machinery allows us to carry out increasing precise quality controls to provide a product of the highest level.

Our company has made quality control one of its strengths and that’s why we decided to invest US$ 50M in state of the art machinery and quality controls at every stage of manufacturing process

Investing in the state of the art machinery allows us to carry out increasing precise quality controls to provide a product of the highest level . For this we have integrated AI Robotics machinery as they operate nonstop and with 100% reliability and precision.

Jan 2020 – We started manufacturing in the new facility producing approximately 80,000 tons yearly.

Our company made tremendous progress towards our goals, and that’s largely driven by the passion of our employees. We started manufacturing in the new facility producing approximately 80,000 tons yearly.


An event which is going effect the performance of Q-pack drastically in future

An event which is going effect the performance of Q-pack drastically in future, it was [...]

The company expands its horizons by opening up a new plant by the name of Q-Plastic

The company expands its horizons by opening up a new plant by the name of [...]

Zalatimo Industries have been looking to invest in construction a new working area

Zalatimo Industries have been looking to invest in construction a new working area, to provide [...]

Zalatimo Industries went through a major over haul when they moved to their new head office

Zalatimo Industries went through a major overhaul when they moved to their new head office. [...]

With the launch of new Corrugator line by Q-pack, there comes new promises from Q-pack

With the launch of new Corrugator line by Q-pack, there comes new promises and expectations [...]