At Zalatimo Industries, we are always looking to the future for new business & investment opportunities. Currently we are involved in launching several new initiatives:


  • Continue our commitment to developing new green technologies, recycling strategies, and renewable solutions. Green is the future and Zalatimo Industries intend to be a part of a new generation of Earth-friendly manufacturers.
  • Expand our charitable contributions to give back to communities in need. We have already set aside a portion of earnings to devote directly to the Itaf Zalatimo Foundation, now we are exploring new ways to build a better world .

The next decade is going to be rewarding for us, while we already working on expanding our production in the Middle East we are also looking to diversity our production  which mean we aim to serve you around the world.

This is just the beginning of what will be a very busy next decade for our company. We are very excited about the future and look forward to continuing to work closely with our customers, suppliers, and network of supporting companies.