An event which is going effect the performance of Q-pack drastically in future

An event which is going effect the performance of Q-pack drastically in future, it was [...]

The company expands its horizons by opening up a new plant by the name of Q-Plastic

The company expands its horizons by opening up a new plant by the name of [...]

Zalatimo Industries have been looking to invest in construction a new working area

Zalatimo Industries have been looking to invest in construction a new working area, to provide [...]

Zalatimo Industries went through a major over haul when they moved to their new head office

Zalatimo Industries went through a major overhaul when they moved to their new head office. [...]

With the launch of new Corrugator line by Q-pack, there comes new promises from Q-pack

With the launch of new Corrugator line by Q-pack, there comes new promises and expectations [...]